Program documents genetic and processing history

AngusSource enables producers to convey the valuable source, genetic and management information about their Angus-influenced commercial feeder calves and replacement heifers to prospective buyers.
An official AngusSource visual tag, available from the American Angus Association for $1 each, enrolls cattle into the program.

After tags are ordered, producers can list further management and marketing information, which will be compiled into a concise marketing document that can be presented to prospective buyers, livestock market managers or brokers. In addition, this information will be listed on the Internet and e-mailed on a weekly basis to hundreds of potential buyers who have signed up to receive information about Angus-influenced cattle for sale.

For more information, visit or these Angus Journal and Angus Beef Bulletin articles:
AngusSource — a step toward the future
‘They’re worth more if they’re black.’