New SRP® Technology from AgriLabs – A Better Way to Make Vaccines

SRP technology offers a better way to produce vaccines because of its ability to kill harmful salmonella bacteria by blocking their source of iron. Here’s how it works:

Salmonella and other Gram-negative bacteria need iron to survive and reproduce, and siderophore receptors and porins (SRPs) are specialized iron-transport proteins found on the cell wall of the salmonella bacteria. When purified SRPs contained in the Salmonella Newport vaccine are injected into the animal, they stimulate the production of antibodies that block the SRP proteins on the infecting salmonella. This prevents the transport of essential iron into the bacteria, causing a bactericidal effect that kills the salmonella organisms.

That’s how new Salmonella Newport Bacterial Extract vaccine from AgriLabs protects cows and growing heifers from developing salmonellosis infection and prevents salmonella fecal shedding.

Here are more of the SRP vaccine features and benefits:
• SRP vaccine is developed from purified proteins called siderophore receptors and porins, so unlike whole-cell or core antigen vaccines, there are virtually no endotoxins which may cause adverse reactions in an animal.
• SRP vaccine’s mode of action has a bactericidal effect, killing the salmonella bacteria. The effect of this action is to control clinical and subclinical salmonellosis and fecal salmonella challenge in the herd and on the dairy facilities.
• SRPs are similar on all strains of salmonella bacteria. The SRPs cause a normal immune response in the animal that results in antibodies which have been demonstrated in laboratory tests to be cross-reactive among different serotypes of salmonella.
•SRP vaccine is administered subcutaneously so it meets BQA standards.
• Whole-herd vaccination with SRP vaccine can be done at any stage of lactation in calves six months of age or older.

For more information:
P.O. Box 3103
St. Joseph, MO 64503
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