2005 Cattle Industry Annual Convention & Trade Show 2005 Cattle Industry Annual Convention & Trade Show alamo picture
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committeess/subcommittees award winners trade show ancw archives
councils site sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc.

Note: Both council meetings are at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.

Thursday, February 3

NCBA Veal Council
2:45 p.m. - 6 p.m., Room 214 B
Refreshments sponsored by Nagle Veal
Veal industry leaders invite dairy and beef producers to join them for an active discussion about industry issues affecting the veal industry and how they affect the dairy and beef industries. Chairman: Steve Kraut; Vice Chairman: David Lucas

NCBA Livestock Marketing Council
4:15 p.m. - 5:45 p.m., Room 215
If you are in the livestock marketing business as a livestock auction operator, dealer/broker or order buyer, plan to attend the NCBA Livestock Marketing Council’s annual meeting. Get a preview to the menu of insurance, legal and risk-management tools available to Livestock Marketing Council members, and collaborate alongside the industry’s most innovative livestock marketing businessmen and women. NCBA Livestock Marketing Council members are driving a proactive approach to enhancing both producer profitability and vitality in the livestock marketing industry through NCBA’s governing body. Chairman: Lemmy Wilson; Vice Chairman: Steve Owens

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general sessions : councils : committees/subcommittees :
award winners : trade show : ancw : archives