Note: For schedules and room assignments of American National CattleWomen (ANCW) activities, Cattlemen’s College® sessions, trade show activities and committee/subcommittee meetings, click the corresponding links above. For coverage of these events, see the Newsroom.
Note: All events are at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center unless otherwise noted.
Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Newsroom Coverage
Tuesday, Feb. 5 |
8 a.m. 9 a.m. |
ANCW Opening Session
Go to ANCW for details
Crystal Ballroom 1-2
9 a.m. 10 p.m. |
ANCW Committee Meetings
Go to ANCW for details
Wednesday, Feb. 6 |
7:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. |
NCBA Cattlemen’s College®
Go to Cattlemen’s College for details |
1 p.m. 3 p.m. |
ANCW Workshops
Go to ANCW for details
3 p.m. 3:45 p.m. |
New Member/First Timer Orientation
This session is intended to give first-time attendees the opportunity to meet NCBA officers as well as Top Hand Club members who will share the who, what, when and where's of being a new member to NCBA. These representatives will tell you how to get the most benefit from attending your first convention.
D9-10 Rooms
4 p.m. 5:45 p.m. |
Opening General Session
Leading technology forecaster and strategist Daniel Burrus is the keynote speaker for the opening session. Burrus takes you to the next level sharing valuable insights into the opportunities yet to come, preparing you to capitalize on the next wave of technological change. The session also features the announcement of the Fort Dodge Animal Health Legacy Scholarship program. Hall 3
6 p.m. 9 p.m. |
NCBA Trade Show Welcome Reception:
"Boots-N -Britches"
Listen to the wild tales of the open road as these two desperados trekked across the fruited plains of this great nation. Enjoy free food and some good ’ol Western hospitality. Also taking place is the NCBA-PAC Bull Auction and Cattlemen’s Auctioneer Championship Contest. Exhibit Halls 1-2
Thursday, Feb. 7 |
7:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m |
Cattle-Fax Outlook Seminar
The outlook session will feature highlights of 2007, as the industry once again faced drought, beef trade disruptions and volatile market headlines. 2008 marks the 40th anniversary of Cattle-Fax. Help us honor the past and shape the future of Cattle-Fax, as we thank our members and our industry for the support provided over the years. Hall 3
9:30 a.m. 12:45 pm |
Beef Industry Issues Forums: “Understanding the Business and Consumer Climate”
Issues Forum #1: Building Beef Value in Foodservice (The Sequel) C4 Room
Issues Forum #2: Beefing Up the World C2 Room
Issues Forum #3: New Tactics for Anti-Beef Activists D1-2 Rooms
Issues Forum #4: Driving Consumer Demand
C1 Room
Issues Forum #5: The Tightening Grip of Government Environmental Action on Your Livelihood and Profitability D3 Room
Issues Forum #6: Producer and Industry Benefits of Premises Registration C3 Room
3 p.m. 6 p.m. |
NCBA Human Nutrition Research Roundtable National dietary guidelines and consumer attitudes about beef are largely influenced by available science. Since 1922, the beef industry has invested in a nutrition research program and the findings have been critical to protecting beef’s role in the diet. At this session, leading researchers in the scientific and medical community and beef industry leaders share science, explore needs, and discover opportunities for future beef industry nutrition research. A1 Room
Friday, Feb. 8 |
7:30 a.m. 9 a.m. |
General Session II
This session features a keynote speaker of interest to all cattle producers. Also, this session honors the recipients of the 2008 NCF Beef Industry Vision Award and Beef Backer Awards. Hall 3 |
9:30 a.m. 6 p.m. |
Committee/Subcommittee Meetings
For overviews of committee/subcommittee agendas and listing by group, visit the Committee/Subcommittee page. |
7 p.m. 11 p.m. |
NCBA-PAC/PEF Dinner and Show with Tracy Lawrence
Tracy Lawrence is the featured entertainer for an evening of great food and premier entertainment at Reno’s Grand Theater located in the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino. The historic theater boasts the World’s Largest Stage and features an exciting old-style dinner theater atmosphere. Grand Theater
Saturday, Feb. 9 |
12:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. |
NCBA Awards Program Lunch
“The Glass Ain’t Half Empty, It’s Just Too Big!” This humorous approach to a very serious subject is led by Mark Mayfield, stand-up comedian and motivational speaker. The lunch program will also honor NCBA’s Top Hand Club members and awards will be presented to the top membership recruiters, the 2008 Beef Industry Scholarship Award winner, the Max Deets Leadership Award winner and the National Collegiate Quiz Bowl winners. C1-3 Rooms
3 p.m. 4:45 p.m. |
Closing General Session
NCBA Annual Membership Meeting Environmental Stewardship Award A1-6 Rooms
6:30 p.m. 11:00 p.m. |
Grand Finale Evening Event and Dance
The Evening Event will include the presentation of the prestigious Vision Awards. Following dinner, Mark Powell and Lariat will entertain with traditional Western swing and today’s contemporary sound. From Abilene, Texas, this five-piece band prides themselves in their Texas musical roots. Their talents have been lauded by scores of audiences of all ages. Reno Ballroom
Visit the Newsroom for highlights of the meeting in general. Visit Award Winners for highlights of those given special recognition at the convention.
Editor’s Note: This material was compiled with permission by staff of Angus Productions Inc. (API), which claims copyright to the material as presented. It may not be published or distributed without the express permission of Angus Productions Inc. To request reprint permission and guidelines, contact Shauna Rose Hermel, editor, at (816) 383-5270 or shermel@angusjournal.com.